Sunday, July 29, 2007

anonymous video

In my opinion these people should be picked up and the key thrown away. I know they are not taking someone's physical life but how about their mental life? Look at what happened to the one young man who had pictures doctored to where it looked like he was having a homosexual encounter. He lost his girlfriend. These people are no better than a murderer. Many people have been destroyed by groups like this. All I can say is be careful when you are on the internet.

My daughter has a my space and she ended up getting a message from her internet provider saying some of her accounts had been broken into. She spent about 10 hours one day getting this problem cleaned up. She was very lucky. All I can say is don't ever make your information public.

Monday, July 9, 2007

EIA Chapter 6

There are two things I would like to touch on out of this chapter. I have had a trojan horse appear on my virus check before and all I knew was it needed to be gotten rid of. The amount of problems it can cause or lead to messed with my mind. I have checked sights that were questionable, now I know better. E-mails will not opened unless I know who sent them. Even then you run the risk that someone else is using another person's e-mail. Hopefully that won't be the case.

The second area that intrigued me was online voting. Are we thinking totally crazy? Voting online would open up more problems than the hanging chad problem in Florida.

Sure,you can come up with a few advantages but are they worth the risks? You could save money, votes could be counted quicker, and people who couldn't get to the polls could vote if they had a computer, but are these good enough reasons when you open many security risks.

A Web site hosting an election could be an obvious target for a DDoS attack(distribute denial of service). It would also be possible for an attacker to fool a user into thinking he was hooked up to a vote server when in actuallity he was connected to a phony server run by the attacker. The attacker could ask for credentials and then use them to vote on the real server. Things could get completely out of hand. The right hackers could control elections that would affect our nation.

Granted the voting system needs adjusting but online is not the answer.

EIA Chapter 5

In my opinion, big brother has too much freedom in invading our privacy. Even though wiretaps and bugs are sometimes needed to apprehend criminals, investigators abuse this many times. Instead of just listening in on conversations of the suspect, police have tapped into the trunk lines into hotels and listened to conversations of all the hotel guests who used the phone.

Is this right? I do not think so. Unless we are engaged in a conversation with a person we know is doing something illegal , what we say should reach no one elses ears except them. I do understand after 911 the Patriot Act was needed to improve our security but they need to be leaving the common people alone. We are becoming a paranoid society with the fact what we say at anytime could come back and haunt us.

People need to be confident their privacy will be upheld. I teach PE and Health and I totally agree with Gina Graham Scott when she says, "If people did not have privacy, they would have to wear their public face at all times. Doing this could be damaging to their psychological health." We need to be able to make comments without worrying about who will hear them and what could happen if they did.

People need their time without big brother watching over our shoulder.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

3rd article review

A lot of time teachers get caught up in the glitz and glamour of using a computer and forget they are a fantastic source to increase our students knowledge.

In the article"In the Classroom, Computers often Yield more Glitz than Guts,: author Brenda Dyck says educators should move past focusing on technology tools but move to how these tools can help students gain knew knowledge and a deeper understanding of the unit being covered.

Use of computers can definitely add to the content of the unit you are covering but don't get lost in all the bells and whistles that come with their use. Keeps your students focused. If they are doing a powerpoint presentation make sure all areas you want covered are included. Guidelines are a good tool to help them stay on track and search for new information they can pass on to the rest of the class.

A computer is a wonderful tool if used right. Keep students focused on the task at hand.

2nd article review

Are we going too far in the establishment of virtual schools. In the article Virtual High Schools: The Schools of the Future, author Glori Chaika brings out several valid points for this set up.

The use of virtual schools gives everyone a chance at the same education. People all over the world now have the same opportunity to an equal curriculum and to learn from each other. We all know students learn more from their peers than they learn from adults.

Several advantages were brought out in the article for using virtual schools. Some of these were students could proceed at their own pace, students in some areas will now have access to content they never had before, and this gives students a chance to succeed that can't handle a regular school set up.

I like the advantages but being fashioned I feel one disadvantage greatly out weighs all the advantages. People have to learn to interact face to face with other people. Part of being totally healthy is being able to function socially, how will this happen if all a student does is go to school on the computer.

Education Technology Issues Article Review

After reading through a few of the articles this time I found one that really jumped out and grabbed ahold of me. The article"Technology brings False Promises to Schools," by Todd Oppenheimer hits the nail right on the head.

In order to be able to afford more technology school districts take money from programs such as PE, Music, Art, Shop, and Science labs. All these areas have been proven to build much broader intellectual skills than working on computers. Going the technology direction we have taken the quality out of education and replaced it with quantity. We are missing the boat big time.

I am not saying computers are bad but we should only them as a supplement and not the whole.Students the relationships developed between themselves and their teacher. This relationship brings out the creativity in our students. Kids need to be moving around, more muscle more memory.

We need to remember we need people ho can work with their hands as well as their as their minds. Schools need to not only train students to use computers, but train some to be able to take one apart and fix it. Even though we are living in a computer age, we need blue collar workers and we need students who have learned how to think.

Friday, June 22, 2007

trouble posting on your blog

Andy I was having posting my comments this time to your blog so I hope this is ok posting on my blog. Maybe next time I can get it to work on your blog.

To respond to your first of question, I believe you can be very ethical and not be religious.Ethics are basically man made laws. They have a small background in religion but man twists them enough to meet his needs. Religion says we shall not kill but many cultures use execution as a form of punishment.

All societies can be ethical. It does not matter if you are a Christian. You can still live a good life and abide by laws set down and be an extremely ethical person. I would tell groups it is ok to practice what your culture says as long as it does no harm to someone else. No one has the right to hurt any other person, I do not care where you are.

To define ethics I used the American Heritage Dictionary, Third Edition-it is a set of principles of right conduct. That right conduct is going to vary from culture to culture. Religion is going to be different worldwide but all people can be ethical.

I used several sites to back my opinions with 2 articles from The titles of these were, Can a person be good without being spiritual and Where do ethics come from. My personal experience with my Dad showed me you can be very ethical without being religious.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

The Blue Nowhere

I am totally amazed at what is a possibility for computer wizards to do. Even if the different moves Phate makes to get into other computers are fake, what is fake today could be reality tomorrow. I still don" know to take Gillette and now I am wondering if Shelton might be the infamous Shawn who keeps Phate informed on what the police are up to.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

How Teachers View Technology

I reallywanted to read this article because I have my own opinions on the use of technology in the classroom. I will expand on that at the end of my reaction.

According to this article, most teachers believe the use of computer technology leads to higher student achievement and improved parent-teacher communication. I do agree with this because I hate using a telephone but by putting my grades on my computer parents may access anytime to see their students progress. I also feel student achievement goes up when using technology and this can be seen through my students use of heart monitors this year, they had to stay active in gym.

To have more success with the use of technology we need more computers in schools and more training for all staff. Technology is a part of our society so students access to computer training but they also need hands on training. Book subjects are not for everyone.

Keeping Kids Safe OnLine

Larry Magid has two sites on the world wide web that address the issue of keeping kids safe online. One of these is for kids 12 or under and the other site is for teenagers.

He developed the 2 sites because parents have some control over children under 12. At this stage of thier life kids learn through their parents. Also they will be less likely to be interested in sexual content. He feels teenagers are more influenced by their peers so they have the second site. Teenagers also might be more interested in sexually explicit material, may access to money, and may be inclined to meet with an online aquaintance.

I truly believe there should be some parental control over the internet use of their children and I totally agree with Mr. Magid that the government should have no censorship control. Kids need parental rules to deal with use of the internet.

Is Technology Just for Boys?

In order to get more young ladies represented in the technology field we need to we need to get them over being afraid of technology. We also need to show them computer careers are not isolationg.

To become more comfortable the user of technology needs to be more fluent. To do this the user needs to be able to use technology proactively, understand the design issues, and to be able to interpret the information available.

Both genders will become more comfortable if the school curriculum is flexible so all will make the technology their own in their own way.

Technology is for all and it is up to us as educators to make bothe ladies and gentlemen comfortable in the use of technology.

Thoughts on the Blue Nowhere

Before I go much farther into this book I have a question that is really bugging the heck out of me. Is this novel fiction or is a lot of what Deaver brings out true? I know we are becoming a technological world but something has to give. If crackers can break into 911 systems and shut them down for a period of time, we are in a world of hurt. People having the nohow to find out out priviledged information about you is wrong. This book so far makes me wonder how safe the internet is. What I see now is you shouldn't open e-mails unless you have requested responses from the sender or you personally know the sender. Even then they may not be secure because you don'know who the sender received their e-mail from.

I am one that really doesn't enjoy reading but with all the twists and turns so far I will be coming back to see how Phate gets caught.

Friday, June 8, 2007

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Use of technology

I just as well admit it now, my students have a minimal use of technology in my health. I can see now that I am missing the boat and I need to incorporate technology in my units. After all we are a technology world.

New experience

Since I am basically a computer nerd, this is the first time I have ever done anything like this.The more practice the easier it will get.